Seawall Construction: Facts You Need to Know

Posted on: 12 January 2024

Coastal erosion is a natural occurrence on any coastline. However, the destructive effects of erosion can sometimes be severe, posing a significant threat to homes, businesses, and infrastructure close to the shore. Seawall construction may be the solution to this problem, but there are a few things you need to know before undertaking this kind of project. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of seawalls, their benefits, and some of the key considerations for undertaking seawall construction.

Types of Seawalls

There are three main types of seawalls: steel, concrete, and vinyl. Steel seawalls generally last the longest and are the most resistant to damage from storms and waves, but they are generally the most expensive. Concrete seawalls are also an excellent option and are often used as a cheaper alternative to steel. They can easily last many years and are highly durable. Vinyl seawalls are not as sturdy as concrete or steel seawalls, but they are less expensive than both and can still last for years. They are also easier to install and can require fewer regular maintenance checks.

Benefits of Seawall Construction

The primary benefit of seawall construction is its ability to slow down the rate of coastal erosion and protect your property close to the shoreline from damage. Seawalls also enhance the aesthetic appeal of a property, increasing its value in the long term. Moreover, erecting a seawall can lead to a reduction in your insurance premiums, which can lead to cost savings in the long run.

Key Considerations Before Undertaking Seawall Construction

Permits are required before embarking on any seawall construction project. Therefore, it is essential to obtain all necessary permits and approvals from the relevant authorities in your area before beginning any construction. Additionally, you should examine the soil characteristics of the area where the seawall is to be built to ensure that it can support the structure. Seawall construction should also be done by experts with significant experience in the field to ensure that the wall can withstand the test of time.

The Costs of Seawall Construction

The cost of seawall construction varies depending on several factors, including the size of your shoreline and the type of seawall that you choose. However, the long-term benefits outweigh the initial costs that you will incur, as seawalls can help protect your property from damage.

Coastal erosion is a problem that many shorefront property owners face. Seawall construction can help alleviate this problem and protect your property from potential damage. However, before undertaking such a project, it is crucial to do your research and understand the different types of seawalls and the key considerations to take into account before construction. With careful planning and the right expertise, you can erect a seawall that can last for decades and protect your property from the erosive effects of waves and weather.

For more information on seawall construction, contact a professional near you.
